Happy Halloween!

Yay!  Halloween is finally here!  The oldest daughter’s class party is today, we volunteered  to bring cupcakes for the 30 kids plus adults.  We did the same last year, and she had made marzipan pumpkins to go on top of them.  She even put veins in them to make them realistic!  So I asked her, “what ideas do you have for these cupcakes?”  She really had to think about it.  She definitely wanted both chocolate and vanilla cupcakes for the class – because not everyone likes one or the other.  (Of course!)  Eventually she landed on making creepy hands out of marzipan, that would poke out of the cakes.  I took it a step further and told her that Milano cookies are the shape of a tombstone, so we ran with that.  I made some gray frosting, and dipped that into ground up chocolate graham crackers for dirt.  Then I piped RIP onto the cookie, and placed it on the cupcake, and for the final touch she placed the hand(s).  I think they were amazing!!

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