April 2012 prep

A big congratulations to my youngest brother in-law and his new fiancée!  (the very same from a few posts ago…)  They picked their wedding date to be at the end of April, on my actual anniversary!  How exciting, honestly I can’t wait.  At their engagement party after-party breakfast, we were looking at a few wedding magazines and she had singled out a gorgeous long reception table outside, very rustic and chic, lined down the center with multiple terrariums.  As I was at my mom’s house this weekend working on baking cookies with my daughters, I was hanging out in the backyard.  I realized that if I cut and planted succulents now, they’d be ready for next April!  So, I took a couple of photos of the plants we have and texted them over to her to see if she was still going to do that, and if I could help.  She said it would be great!  So, I’ll clip them either this next weekend, or the weekend after that.  I cannot wait to see how they ultimately come out – but I know it’ll be great already.  I can’t wait to post that too!

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